Adaboost 2D examples based on perceptrons and decision stumps
PRTools should be in the path. Download the m-file from here,
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Generate simple 2D examples
randreset; % for reproducability
a = prdataset([gencirc(100);gencirc(100)*0.5],genlab([100 100]));
a = setprior(a,0);
Run adaboost, 200 iterations, linear peceptron as weak classifier
figure; w = adaboostc(a,perlc([],1),200,[],1); title('200 base classifiers: single epoch linear perceptron'); fontsize(14); figure; scatterd(a); plotc(w) title('Result adaboost, 200 weak classifiers combined'); fontsize(14);
Run adaboost, 200 iterations, decision stump as weak classifier
figure; w = adaboostc(a,stumpc,200,[],3); title('200 base classifiers: single epoch decision stump'); fontsize(14); figure; scatterd(a); plotc(w) title('Result adaboost, 200 weak classifiers combined'); fontsize(14); %showfigs