PRTools Contents

PRTools User Guide



Set user field in mapping


 W Mapping
 S Variable to be stored in the user field
 FIELD Desired field, default 'USER'.

 W Updated mapping


Set or reset the subfield FIELD of the user field of W by S.

Note the the USER field of mappings was originally intended for a user  defined description of mappings. Later its usage was extended to a field  for storing general information on mappings. For that reason 'old'  mappings without a structure in the user field are transformed such that  this information is stored in a subfield USER in the user field. It can  be retrieved by GETUSER(A,'USER').

Note also that for reasons of backward compatibility the parameter order  of the SETUSER command differs from similar Matlab commands like  SETFIELD: first field content, then field name.

PRTools Contents

PRTools User Guide

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