Fixed DISsimilarity-SIMilarity transformations
Input | P | NxN or NxM proximity matrix or dataset | TYPE | Type of the transformation that acts on proximity data (optional; default: 'POW'): | 'I', | 'identity': P | 'SCALE', | 'scale': P ./ PAR | 'NEG', | 'negative': -P | 'NEG2', | 'negative2': -P.^2 | 'REV', | 'reverse': 1./(PAR + P) | 'REV2', | 'reverse': 1./(PAR^2 + P.^2) | 'D2S', | 'S2D': 1-P | 'D2SSQ','S2DSQ': | sqrt(1-P) | 'POW', | 'power': P.^PAR | 'EXP', | 'exponent': exp(-P./PAR) | 'EXP2', | 'exponent2': exp((-P.^2)./(PAR^2)) | 'GAUSS': | exp((-P.^2)./(2*PAR^2)) | 'LOG', | 'logarithm': log(P/PAR) | 'NLOG', | 'neglog': -log((P+1)./PAR) 'NLOG2','neglog2': -log((P.^2+1)./PAR^2) | 'SIGM', | 'sigmoid': 2./(1+exp(-P./PAR))-1 'SIGM2','sigmoid2': 2./(1+exp(-(P.^2)./PAR^2))-1 | 'SIM2DIS': | inner products to Euclidean distances | 'DIS2SIM': | Euclidean distances to inner products | PAR | Parameter, PAR > 0 (optional; default: 1) |
Output | T | NxN or NxM proximity matrix or dataset |
Description A fixed mapping that transforms proximity data. Note that in some cases similarity is transformed into dissimilarity, or vice versa. This file has been automatically generated. If badly readable, use the help-command in Matlab. |