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Select eigenvalues from a list


 L List of eigenvalues
 ALF Parameter determining the dimensionality and the eigenvalue-based mapping
 (0,1) fraction of the total (absolute value) preserved variance  Inf - no dimensionality reduction, keeping all dimensions (it's noisy)  'p' - projection into a Euclidean space based on positive eigenvalues only  'PARp' - projection into a Euclidean space based on the PAR fraction of  positive eigenvalues; e.g. ALF = '0.9p'  'n' - projection into a Euclidean space based on negative eigenvalues only  'PARn' - projection into a (negative) Euclidean space based on the PAR fraction  of negative eigenvalues; e.g. ALF = '0.7n'  'P1pP2n'- projection into a Euclidean space based on the P1 positive eigenvalues  and P2 negative eigenvalues; e.g. ALF = '0.7p0.1n', ALF = '7p2n'
 1 .. N - number of dimensions in total
 [P1 P2] - P1 dimensions or preserved fraction of variance in the positive subspace  and P2 dimensions or preserved fraction of variance in the negative  subspace; e.g. ALF = [5 10], ALF = [0.9 0.1]

 J Index of selected eigenvalues


This is a low-level routine for PSEM, KPSEM, KPCA and PEPCA. From a list of  eigenvalues it selects the ones according to ALF.

See also

mappings, datasets, psem, kpsem, kpca, pepca,

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DisTools User Guide

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