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PRDisData User Guide



Generate a small non-Euclidean dissimilarity dataset.

    D = BALLS3D

This PRTools dataset has been generated by the DisTools command  GENBALLD([100 100], 3, [0.02 0.04]) which generates the given numbers of  3D balls with sizes [0.02 0.04] in a 3D hypercube. Balls do not overlap.  Dissimilarities are computed as the shortest distance between two points  on the surface of two balls. The intention is to study strong examples in  which non-Euclidean dissimilarities are informative.


E. Pekalska, A. Harol, R.P.W. Duin, D. Spillman, and H. Bunke, Non-Euclidean or non-metric measures can be informative, in: D.-Y. Yeung et al., Proc. SSSPR2006 Lecture Notes in Comp. Sc., vol. 4109, Springer, Berlin, 2006, 871-880.

R.P.W. Duin, E. Pekalska, A. Harol, W.J. Lee, and H. Bunke, On Euclidean corrections for non-Euclidean dissimilarities, in: N. da Vitoria Lobo et al., Proc. SSSPR2008, Lecture Notes in Comp.Sc., vol. 5342, Springer, Berlin, 2008, 551-561.

J. Laub, V. Roth, J.M. Buhmann, K.R. Mueller, On the information and representation of non-euclidean pairwise data, Pattern Recognition, vol. 39, 2006, 1815-1826.

See also

prtools, datasets, prdisdata, balls5d, balls50d,

PRDisData Contents

PRDisData User Guide

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