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Dissimilarity datasets based on weighted edit distances


This loads one or more of the chickenpieces dissimilarity matrices as  made available by Bunke Every entry is a weighted edit distance  between two strings representing the contours of 2D blobs. Contours  are approximated by vectors of length NORM. Angles between vectors are  used as replacement costs. The costs for insertion and deletion are  given by COST.  Possible values for NORM: [5 7 10 15 20 25 29 30 31 35 40] Possible values for COST: [45 60 90 120] Defaults are: load all.

D is a 446*446 dissimilarity dataset of 5 classes.

REFERENCEs  H. Bunke, H., U. Buhler, Applications of approximate string matching to  2D shape recognition, Pattern Recognition 26 (1993) 1797-1812.

B. Spillmann, Description of the Distance Matrices, Internal report,  Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence (FKI), Institute of Computer  Science and Applied Mathematics, University of Bern, 2004.

See also

prtools, datasets, distools, prdisdata,

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PRDisData User Guide

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