PRDisData Contents

PRTools User Guide



Load spectral datasets


Download or load a PRTools spectral dataset NAME (char string)

aviris-clear 145x145 200 17
btswindep 2494 145 14
btswlab 3248 145 14
dctest 8079 191 7
dctrain 1890 191 7
dcunsup 35047 191
flowcyto 833 256 3
lung_autofl 988 199 2 cell array of 6 datasets
parma_ham 67 13x11 4
plastic-trts 33x40 240 5
plastic 66x80 240 5
plastic2 67x86 240 5
plastic3 38 108 3
tecator 215 100 2

PRDisData Contents

PRTools User Guide

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