CLEVALF Classifier evaluation (feature size curve)
DescriptionGenerates at random for all feature sizes stored in FEATSIZES training sets of the given TRAINSIZE out of the dataset A. See GENDAT for the interpretation of TRAINSIZE. These are used for training the untrained classifier CLASSF. The result is tested by all unused ojects of A, or, if given, by the test dataset S. This is repeated N times. If no testset is given and if LEARNSIZE is not given or empty, the training set is bootstrapped. If a testset is given, the default training set size is the entire training set. Default FEATSIZES: all feature sizes. The mean erors are stored in E. The observed standard deviations are stored in S. The default test routine is classification error estimation by TESTC([],'crisp'). See CLEVALFS for how to construct feature curves in addition with automatic feature extraction / selection. This function uses the RAND random generator and thereby reproduces only if its seed is saved and reset. See alsomappings, datasets, cleval, clevalfs, testc, plote, gendat,