Display error matrix with information on classifiers and datasets
Input | DATA | Cell array of M datasets or dataset names (strings) | CLASSF | Cell array of N mappings or mapping names (strings) | ERROR | M*N matrix of (average) error estimates | STD | M*N matrix of standard devations on ERROR (optional) | FID | File in which results are written (default: 1) |
Description Displays the matrix ERROR matrix with error estimates for N classifiers related to M datasets. This routine is called by TESTC and CROSVALL to display results. Example(s)
testsets = {gendath gendatb gendatd(100,5)}
trainsets = {gendath gendatb gendatd(100,5)}
classifiers = {nmc fisherc qdc svc}
See also
mappings, datasets, testc, prcrossval, This file has been automatically generated. If badly readable, use the help-command in Matlab. |