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PRTools User Guide



Fixed mapping for finding object indices of all classes


 A Dataset
 NAME Integer: Index of desired labeling, see GETLABLISTNAMES String: Name of desired labeling, see GETLABLISTNAMES Default: actual LABLIST

 C Cell array, C{I} contains all object indices to class I.


C is a cell array such that C{I} contains all object indices to class I A(C{I},:) is a subset of A that contains class I only. Use REMCLASS to  remove empty classes.

The order of classes can be found by CLASSNAMES. If the name of the class  is known then GETCLASSI can be used to retrieved its index.

If for A multiple sets of class names (label lists, see MULTI_LABELING) are defined, the desired label list can be set by NAME. See also  GETLABLISTNAMES.

If A has N classes then C has N+1 cells. In the last cell the indices to  all unlabeled samples are collected.

See also

datasets, selclass, classnames, getclassi, remclass, getlablistnames, multi_labeling,

PRTools Contents

PRTools User Guide

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