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Convert Matlab images or datafile to dataset object

   B = IM2OBJ(IM,A)

 IM X*Y image, X*Y*C image, X*Y*K array of K images,
 X*Y*C*K array of color images, or cell-array of images  The images may be given as a datafile.
 A Input dataset
 FEATSIZE Vector with desired feature sizes to solve ambiguities

 B Dataset with IM added


Add standard Matlab images, as objects, to an existing dataset A. If A is  not given, a new dataset is created. Images of type 'uint8' are converted  to 'double' and divided by 256. The resulting feature size is X*Y or  X*Y*C. The set of images IM may be given as a datafile.

See also

datasets, datafiles, im2feat, featim,

PRTools Contents

PRTools User Guide

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