MAP Map a dataset, train a mapping or classifier, or combine mappings
B = MAP(A,W) or B = A*W
Maps a dataset A by a fixed or trained mapping (or classifier) W, generating a new dataset B. This is done object by object. So B has as many objects (rows) as A. The number of features of B is determined by W. All dataset fields of A are copied to B, except the feature labels. These are defined by the labels stored in W. V = MAP(A,W) or B = A*W
If W is an untrained mapping (or classifier), it is trained by the dataset A. The resulting trained mapping (or classifier) is stored in V. V = MAP(W1,W2) or V = W1*W2
The two mappings W1 and W2 are combined sequentially. See SEQUENTIAL for a description. The resulting combination is stored in V. See also