Train and execute arbitrary untrained mapping
B = A*(W*MAPEX) = A*(A*W)
B = A*MAPEX(W,PAR1,PAR2, ...)
Input | A | Dataset or datafile or double | W | Untrained mapping | UMAP | String with name of untrained mapping | PAR1 | Parameters of untrained mapping W or UMAP |
Output | B | Resulting dataset, datafile or double array |
Description This routine facilitates the construction of shortcuts by training and executing an untrained mapping by the same data. It is typically useful for mappings like PROXM and SCALEM that are often trained and exectuted with the same data. Example(s)
mink1 = proxm('m',1)*mapex
mink1 = mapex(proxm,'m',1) % the same
mink1 = mapex('proxm','m',1) % the same
Herewith D = A*mink1 computes a dissimilarity matrix based on the
Minkowsky_1 metric between all objects in A.
See also
datasets, mappings, proxm, scalem, This file has been automatically generated. If badly readable, use the help-command in Matlab. |