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PRTools User Guide



Fixed mapping handling the missing values in a dataset

     B = MISVAL(A,VAL,K)
     B = A*MISVAL([],VAL,K)
     B = A*MISVAL(VAL,K)
     N = A*MISVAL([],K)

 A Dataset, containing NaNs (missing values).
 VAL String with substitution option or value used for substitution.  By default all objects with missing values are removed.
 K Vector with indices of features that should be handled.  Default: all

 B Dataset with NaNs substituted
 N Vector with number of missing values per feature


The following values for VAL are possible
'remove' remove objects (rows) that contain missing values (default)  'f-remove' remove features (columns) that contain missing values  'mean' fill the entries with the mean of the features  'c-mean' fill the entries with the class mean of the features  'median' fill the entries with the median of the features  'c-median' fill the entries with the class median of the features  'majority' fill the entries with the majority of the features  'c-majority' fill the entries with the class majority of the features  fill the entries with a fixed constant  NaN no change: return dataset as it is

Note that replacing missing values by feature means (medians or  majorities) is a very simple solution that might be far from optimal.

See also

datasets, feattypes, ismisval,

PRTools Contents

PRTools User Guide

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