Plot mapping values, contours or surface
Input | W | Trained mapping | S | Plot strings, or scalar selecting type of plot | 1: | density plot; | 2: | contour plot (default); | 3: | 3D surface plot; | 4: | 3D surface plot above 2D contour plot; | 5; | 3D mesh plot; | 6: | 3D mesh plot above 2D contour plot) | N | Contour level(s) to plot (default: 10 contours between minimum and maximum) |
Output | H | Array of graphics handles |
Description This routine, similar to PLOTC, plots contours (not just decision boundaries) of the mapping W on predefined axis, typically generated by SCATTERD. Plotstrings may be set in S. The vector N selects the contour.
If N = 'perc' 10 contour levels are drawn such that each level has an equal area in the plot. Example(s)
prex_density, See also
mappings, scatterd, plotc, This file has been automatically generated. If badly readable, use the help-command in Matlab. |