PRTools Contents

PRTools User Guide



Fixed mapping, (re)set the feature size of a dataset


 A Dataset
 FEATSIZE Feature size vector, default: scalar with actual featsize

 A Dataset


By default the feature size of a dataset is its number of features, i.e.  the number of columns in the DATA field of A. If the features are samples  of a multi-dimensional data item, e.g. the pixels of an image, the  original size of this data item may be stored in FEATSIZE. The product of  all elements in FEATSIZE has to be equal to the number of columns in the  DATA field of A.

This routine is particulary useful as A = A*SETFEATSIZE to remove image  size settings for the feature size.

There is a low level version of this routine with the same name in the  PRDATASET directory.

See also

datasets, mappings,

PRTools Contents

PRTools User Guide

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