CLUSTERTOOLS ClusterTools (ClusterTools Guide)
cluste | Examplar clustering |
clustf | Clustering by farthest first traversal algorithm |
clusth | Hierarchical clustering in feature space |
clustk | Feature space clustering by K prototype procedures |
clustm | Multi-level clustering by kNN mode-seeking |
clustr | Random clustering |
clusts | Mean shift mode-seeking clustering |
labnn | Find indices of k nearest neighbors |
exemplar | Back-end Exemplar clustering |
modeclust | Back-end kNN mode-seeking clustering |
modeclustf | Back-end Fast kNN mode-seeking clustering |
dcluste | Examplar clustering on given dissimilarities |
dclustf | Clustering by farthest first traversal algorithm |
dclusth | Hierarchical clustering on given dissimilarities |
dclustk | k-centres or k-medoids on given dissimilarities |
dclustm | kNN mode-seeking on given dissimilarities |
dclustr | Random clustering |
recluste | Extend multi-level clustering |
reclusth | Hierarchical reclustering |
reclustk | Determining exactly K clusters |
reclustn | Creating a nested set of clusterings |
semisupc | Semi-supervised classifier |
clustc | Semi-supervised classifier by confidence propagation |
clusthc | Hierarchical clustering based classifier |
nnprotoc | Nearest neighbor classifier using cluster prototypes |
clusteval | Evaluate clusterings by various performance measures |
actleval | Evaluate clustering by active learning performance |
clustcerr | Cluster classification error on indiviual clusterings |
clustlcurve | Compute learning from multilevel clustering |
mclustlcurve | Compute learning from multiclustering classification |
mclustcerr | Cluster classification error combining clusterings |
clust2proto | Find prototypes from clustering |
dclust2proto | Find prototypes from clustering of dissimilarities |
clustnum | Number of clusters in multilevel clustering |
clustsizes | Cluster sizes and prototypes in multilevel clustering |
clustinds | Find cluster indices fast |
gendatclust1 | Generate a 10-class 2D dataset |
gendatclust2 | Generate an 8-class 2D dataset |
gendset | Generate data from a clustering based Parzen density |
eadist | Create evidence accumulation dissimilarity matrix |
labsort | Sort label array of a multiclustering |
lab2clust | Find cell array of object indices per cluster |
dselproto | Select prototypes from dissimilarity matrix |
selproto | Select prototypes from dataset (PRTools) |
scatn | simple scatter plot |
PRTools Guide |