RECLUSTK Recluster multilevel clustering to determine exactly K clusters
DescriptionThe multilevel clustering LABIN is used to find a set / sets of exactly K clusters. LABREF should be a set of)high-resolution clustering(s), obtaining many more clusters than demanded in K. It is used to estimate distances by CLUSTDIST between the clusters in a clustering in LABIN that has slightly more clusters than desired by K. In this clustering the clusters are combined using a single linkage procedure (DCLUSTH) based on the computed cluster distances. This routine might be usefule for clustering procedures like CLUSTM and CLUSTS for which the number of desired clusters can not exactly be defined. For large values of K this routine might be very time consuming. See alsodatasets, mappings, dclusth, cluste, clustf, clustk, clusth, clustkh, clustm, reclusth, reclustn, testclust, clustcerr, clustc, clustnum, plotdg,