CLUSTF Clustering by the FFT (Farthest First Traversal) algorithm
DescriptionThe dataset A with M rows (objects) is clustered by the Farthest First Traversal algorithm, initialised by the object nearest to the mean of A. In every step a next cluster prototype is defined as the not yet selected object in A that is farthest to the existing set of prototypes. Objects are clustered by assigning them to the nearest prototype. The dataset A can be either a double array or a PRTools dataset. Its labels are negelected. In LAB for all objects the index in A of the nearest cluster prototype is returned. If K is a vector LAB has length(K) columns, returning a multilevel clustering. If M > MSIZE the dataset A is preclustered by PRECLUST using CLUSTM. Unless specific values of K < 100 are needed it is recommended for fast processing to use K = []. Speed may be further increased by using smaller values of MSIZE, e.g. MSIZE = 500; Example(s)
randreset; % take care of reproducability
See alsodatasets, mappings, cluste, clusth, clustk, clustkh, clustm, clusts, clustr, clusteval, clustcerr, clustc, clustnum, preclust,