Relative operating characterics of multilevel clustering
Input | LABC | Index array, size [M,K], indices of cluster prototypes for M objects in K clusterings. | LABT | Double arrys, size [M,1] with true object labels. | A | Labeled PRTools dataset with M objects. It used for obtaining the clusterings stored in LABC. LABT = GETNLAB(A) |
Output | E1 | Double array, size [1,NUMEL(N)], fraction of object pairs erroneously assigned to the same cluster (Error I in ROC plot). | E2 | Double array, size [1,NUMEL(N)], fraction of object pairs erroneously assigned to different clusters (Error II in ROC plot). | N | Row vector with K or less elements with the corresponding number of clusters in the clustering used for the vectors E1 and E2. | ROC | Relative operating characteristic, ready to be plotted by PLOTE. |
Description This routine is used for some performance measures used in CLUSTEVAL. See also
datasets, cluste, clusth, clustk, clustkh, clustm, clustf, clustr, dcluste, dclustf, dclusth, dclustk, dclustm, dclustr, clusteval, plote, This file has been automatically generated. If badly readable, use the help-command in Matlab. |