CLUSTS Mean shift mode-seeking clustering
DescriptionThis is a wrapper around MEANSHIFT, which is a wrapper around MeanShiftCluster routine by Bryan Feldman and Bart Finkston. These routines do not return clusterings with a preset number of clusters K. The resulting multilevel clustering is first made nested by RECLUSTN. After that the desired number of clusters is realized by RECLUSTK. Example(s)
randreset; % take care of reproducability
Reference(s)Cheng, Y. "Mean shift, mode Seeking, and clustering", IEEE Transactions on PAMI, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 790-799, 1995. R.P.W. Duin, A.L.N. Fred, M. Loog, and E. Pekalska, Mode Seeking Clustering by KNN and Mean Shift Evaluated, Proc. SSPR & SPR 2012, LNCS, vol. 7626, Springer, 2012, 51-59. See alsodatasets, mappings, cluste, clustf, clusth, clustk, clustkh, clustm, reclustn, preclust, clusteval, clustcerr, clustc,