KNN mode-seeking clustering
Input | A | Dataset of M objects | K | Vector with numbers of neighbours to search for local mode. Default: smart sampling. | DIST | Distance function (name or handle) or mapping to be used for clustering (optional; default: @DISTM). If DIST is a function it is expected to take two double arrays as input arguments: if D = DIST(A1, A2) then SIZE(D) is | [SIZE(A1, | 1) SIZE(A2, 1)]. If DIST is a mapping then it should be possible to use it like D = A1*(A2*DIST), i.e. it has to be a trainable mapping and it should be able automatically convert double arrays to datasets. E.g., for PROXM it is possible to call MODECLUST(A,K,PROXM), but for DISTM we need to use | MODECLUST(A,K,@DISTM) | or MODECLUST(A,K,'distm'). | NEST | Logical, if TRUE the output set of clusterings (columns of LAB) will be made nested by RECLUSTN. Default: TRUE |
Output | LAB | Indices of mode samples, size [M,N] with K the number of clusterings (NUMEL(K)). | NNLAB | [M,1} vector with indices of nearest neighbors. | NDIST | Total number of distance calculations. |
Description A NN modeseeking method is used to assign objects to their nearest mode. Object densities are defined by one over the distance to the K-th nearest neighbour. Clusters are defined by recursively jumping for every object to the object with the highest density in the local neighborhood.
K can be a vector of neighborhood sizes, which is much faster. Default K: a set of values determined by a geometric series.
Computing time is in the order of M^2 seconds, with M the number of objects in A times 1000. Reference(s)R.P.W. Duin, A.L.N. Fred, M. Loog, and E. Pekalska, Mode Seeking Clustering by KNN and Mean Shift Evaluated, Proc. SSPR & SPR 2012, LNCS, vol. 7626, Springer, 2012, 51-59. Example(s)
a = gendatm(5000); % generate 5000 objects in 8 classes
[lab,k] = modeclust(a);
for j=1:size(lab,2)
nclust = numel(unique(lab(:,j)));
if nclust < 20 & nclust %gt 1
figure; scattern(prdataset(a,lab(:,j)));
title(['K = ' int2str(k(j)) ' --%gt ' int2str(nclust) ' Clusters']);
See also
mappings, datasets, distm, proxm, clustm, dclustm, modeclust_batch, modeclustf, reclustn, This file has been automatically generated. If badly readable, use the help-command in Matlab. |