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Dissimilarity dataset.


 TYPE String defining type of S, either 'sim' (similarity, original  data) or 'dis' (dissimilarity, default)
  These similarities between 2000 handwritten digits in 10 classes are based  on deformable template matching. The dissimilarity measure is the result of  an iterative optimization of the non-linear deformation of the grid, see  the study by Jain and Zongker. The data has been made available by them to  Pekalska who used it in slightly modified version (symmetrized dissimilarities)  in several studies.

The original similarities S are transformed to dissimilarities D is by  D = S*DISSIMT('sim2dis').


A.K. Jain and D. Zongker, Representation and recognition of handwritten digits using deformable templates, PAMI, vol. 19, no. 12, 1997, 1386-1391.

E. Pekalska and R.P.W. Duin, The Dissimilarity Representation for Pattern Recognition, Foundations and Applications, World Scientific, Singapore, 2005.

See also

prtools, datasets, prdisdata, dissimt,

PRDisData Contents

PRDisData User Guide

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