Force density based classifiers to use log-densities
Input | W | Density based trained classifier |
Output | V | Log-density based trained classifier |
Description Density based classifiers suffer from a low numeric accuracy in the tails of the distributions. Especially for overtrained or high dimensional classifiers this may cause zero-density estimates for many test samples, resulting in a bad performance. This can be avoided by computing log-densities offered by this routine. This works for all classifiers based on normal distributions (e.g. LDC, QDC, MOGC) and Parzen estimates (PARZENC, PARZENDC). The computation of log-densities is , in order to be effective, | combined with a normalisation, resulting in posterior | distributions. | As a consequence, the possibility to output densities is | lost. | |
See also
mappings, ldc, udc, qdc, mogc, parzenc, parzendc, normal_map, parzen_map, classc, This file has been automatically generated. If badly readable, use the help-command in Matlab. |