PROCM Fixed-cell mapping to execute arbitray Matlab function on objectsLow-level routine [OUT1,OUT2, ..] = A*PROCM(COMMAND,PAR1,PAR2,....)
DescriptionThis routine executes a given COMMAND over a set of objects. These can be supplied by a dataset, a datafile, a cell array or a double array. Rows are interpreted as objects. For each object N stored in A the routine COMMAND is processed by [OUT1{N}, ...] = COMMAND(OBJECT_N,PAR1,PAR2,....)
For diadic operations the two inputs should be combined in a cell: {A,B}. They are processed by [OUT1{N}, ...] = COMMAND(OBJECT_A_N,OBJECT_B_N,PAR1,PAR2,....)
This is a low-level routine that feeds the unpacked objects in datafiles and dataset (doubles) to COMMAND. Use FILTM for a higher level of processing. Use MAPM to handle entire matrices, datasets or datafiles instead of processing object by object. See alsodatasets, datafiles, im2obj, feat2obj, data2im, filtm, filtm, mapm,