CLUSTEVAL Evaluate clusterings by various performance measures
DescriptionComputation of a set of cluster performance measures between estimated cluster labels LABC and true object labels LABT. In case LABC is a multilevel clustering (N>1) the result E is a structure ready to be plotted by PLOTE. If E is omitted (no output) the result is directly plotted. Performance measures that do not generate a curve (see below) are plotted on the screen. In case LABC is a single clustering (N==1) just scalar results are returned (except for TYPE is 'roc', which generates two values, see CLUSTROC). In case TYPE is omitted the default measure for multilevel clustering is 'actl'. For a single clustering all measures are returned in a structure or printed on the screen. It is assumed that the cluster labels LABC are indices to cluster prototypes with true labels as given by the correponding entries in LABT. The true labels LABT can be derived as doubles from a PRTools dataset A by LABT = GETNLAB(A); The following performance measures are available;
See alsodatasets, mappings, knnc, cluste, clusth, clustk, clustkh, clustm, clustf, clustr, dcluste, dclustf, dclusth, dclustk, dclustm, dclustr, reclustn, clustcerr, clustc, clustnum, clustroc, plote,