FILTIM Fixed mapping to filter images in datasets and datafiles
DescriptionFor each band of each image in A a filter operation is performed OBJECT_OUT = COMMAND(OBJECT_IN,PAR1,PAR2,....)
Object images as well as feature images are supported. The results are collected and stored in B. In case A (and thereby B) is a datafile, execution is postponed until conversion into a dataset, or a call to SAVEDATAFILE. The difference between FILTIM and the similar command FILTM is that FILTIM is aware of the band structure of the objects. As FILTIM treats the bands separately it cannot be used for commands that change the number of bands (like RGB2GRAY) or need to access them all simultaneaously. However, FILTM can handle cells and FILTIM cannot. Example(s)
A = delft_images; B = A([120 121 131 230])*doublem*col2gray;
See alsodatasets, datafiles, im2obj, im2feat, filtm, data2im, procm, mapm,