Personal and historical notes The previous post briefly explains arguments for the steps taken by us between 1995 and 2005. From the perspective we have now, it has become…

…space seems to be an attractive new representation. As dissimilarities may be defined in a variety of ways, including comparisons between structural object descriptions such as graphs and strings, the…

There is no best classifier

…best one for at least one of the datasets. This showed that the collection of datasets defined for this competition reflected sufficiently well the set of problems PRTools was designed…

…very tempting. PRTools 1 In the beginning PRTools was just a collection of routines, without a well-defined style and specified interaction. Many were straightforwardly translated versions of older routines written…

…Is pattern recognition about statistics? Well, it depends. If you see as its target to understand how new knowledge can be gained by learning from examples the role of…

…given up and replaced by something new. The paradigm shift is awaiting. Any researcher who is or wants to be active in a scientific community, e.g. by publishing research papers…

…can relate them to the physical world. Aristotle observes the physical world and is in search for concepts that generalizes them. A debate between these two people may be very…

Who invented the nearest neighbor rule?

…(p. 518) Finally the discrimination is described by a procedure that can be understood as a nearest neighbor search. The class membership of the nearest neighbor is used for new,…

…Are the evaluation results of the new procedure you worked on for months, worse or at most marginally better than the baseline procedure? Don’t worry, it happens all the…

Adaboost and the Random Fisher Combiner

computed for every collection generated in the adaboost procedure First, the decision tree. It starts with finding the best classifier for the entire training set and then gradually splits it…

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